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July 4, 2023

25: Demystifying Anger (Once and For All)

25: Demystifying Anger (Once and For All)

While I often like to discuss how fear can hold us back, today I talk about another emotion that we often experience but aren’t sure how to accept, and that is anger.  In this episode, I want to demystify anger a bit, to normalize it, and help you express it.

While I often like to discuss how fear can hold us back, today I talk about another emotion that we often experience but aren’t sure how to accept, and that is anger. 

In this episode, I want to demystify anger a bit, to normalize it, and to change how we see it. As you’ll hear, in the past few months I have been challenged to feel and express my own anger in a few different situations. It hasn’t been easy. I don’t like being angry, but the more I work at allowing anger not to be negative and shame myself for feeling it, the more I don’t shy away from expressing it.

I want this episode to help shed some light for you on what anger is, and isn’t, and to give you the tools to recognize, understand and label it. Once this happens, you will then be able to express and regulate it.

Please let me know if you found this information and how you use the strategies I present today in your own life, and as mentioned, I’d love to have you as part of Authentic and Brave: A Women's Connection Group on Facebook to continue the discussion! 

Dr. Beth Russell